Speaking Frankly: FAQ About INTJ Personality Type

For You And Me
5 min readFeb 25, 2024


There are so many articles about MBTI personality types on the internet. But live evidence (an INTJ human) can give more accurate and trustworthy information about INTJs. That is why I invited an INTJ to answer the frequently asked questions about INTJ personality. Let’s start to understand INTJs better and talk frankly about common misconceptions.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

1. What does INTJ mean?

INTJ is someone who enjoys being alone and doesn’t want to speak with stupid people. INTJ may look like a mastermind, cold and evil in people’s eyes. But they are wrong. We are lovely and cute people who only want to live alone peacefully in a world without stupid, nosy, and hypocritical people.

2. Is the INJT personality rare?

Yes. They don’t want to be in center of attention, making it hard to find them.

3. Are INTJs really emotionless robots?

NO. We cry for our favorite characters in the world, movies, and even songs. Also, we want a person who can understand and be there for us (not all day).

4. Are people attracted to INTJ?

Yes. Because we seem so smart, creative, and cute. Also, we love helping people and leading groups to achieve their goals.

5. What turns an INTJ off?


6. Can INTJs fall in love?

Yes. I fell in love with actors and actresses in Korean TV series but none in real life. Real-life people aren’t fun and charismatic.

7. Do INTJs have high standards?

Yes. that is why I can’t marry haha. My ideal type is someone who is kind, rich, taller than me, understanding, not too slim and too fat, lovely, dedicated, planner, the smartest person in the world, and loyal.

8. What is the flaw of INTJ?

They lose self-esteem when things aren’t going in the way they want. Sometimes they think they are stupid and not worthy because of trivial things. Also, they get depressed easily and other people’s words affect them deeply.

9. Is being an INTJ a good thing?

INTJs must plan every hour, every day, and every year. If something doesn’t go according to the plan, they get frustrated. So it might not be a good thing in this aspect. But overall, being INTJ is a good thing because they plan anything and know what they are doing.

10. What is one word to describe INTJ personality?


11. How do you know when an INTJ is crushing on you?

They want to talk with you and they give small gifts to you. They want to keep you happy and they forgive you easily.

12. What is the biggest fear of an INTJ?

Their biggest fear is unplanned events. So they don’t fear someone’s death or being alone. Because they already thought about it and made plan A, plan B, and place C.

13. Is it dangerous to annoy an INTJ?

Yes. If you annoy them more than what they can bear, they will get revenge. Their revenge isn’t simple and childish, so you will regret it until your death. Also, god will hit your head with his wooden shovel because it is INTJ’s wish.

14. Why INTJ can’t remember anything?

Because they don’t care about your worthless ANYTHING.

15. Do INTJs enjoy socializing or prefer solitude?

Yes. They enjoy socializing with worthy people, not people who all they do is dance, sing, and talk about trivial things.

16. Can INTJs be flexible and adapt to change?

Yes. But it might take time.

17. Why are INTJs often skeptical of others?

They must be! Because often others are hypocrites, liars, and untrustworthy.

18. Can INTJs be good leaders?

Yes. Because they think about small things and know what is the best thing for a group. And can control the group with their charismatic energy.

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

19. Why do INTJs hate small talk?

What is the point of small talk? I really hate it. Like how are you? How is your family? Most people want to hear yes to these questions. If you say no and start answering lengthy, they gossip or they don’t care at all.

20. Why are INTJs often viewed as cold?

INTJs can be energetic and warm if you talk about what they like and if they like you. So if a cold INTJ is around you, means they are not interested in you and what you do at all.

21. Why do INTJs value honesty and directness so much?

Because our world is full of hypocritical people who only say nice things when they are in front of you. Once you leave, they only say bad things. INTJs try their best to be honest and direct even if that hurts people’s hearts.

22. Are INTJs prone to overthinking?

Yes. If something bad happens or a suspicious person enters their world, they will think about it in every second. Also, INTJs create a small and complicated world in their heads. So when they don’t have anything to think about, they can live there and satisfy themselves.

23. Are INTJs actually sensitive deep down?

Yes. Other’s words can hurt them. They might never show their sensitive side and act like they don’t care. But they will remember it and will hurt you with the same words.

24. Can INTJs be good friends?

INTJs have few friends and they truly care about it. They will do what they can for them. But remember, if you try to act the way they don’t like, they won’t stay on your side anymore.

25. Why do INTJs get bored easily?

Because most people are boring. What is the point of chitchatting or talking about the weather or daily activities? They only care about what is important to them.

26. Do INTJs struggle with work-life balance?

Yes. They can be workaholics and forget that some people in the family need them. Remind them kindly and they will try to focus on you more.

27. Do INTJs care what other people think of them?

No, and Yes. If you mean people on the street, family members, or neighbors, they don’t care what they think of them. But if they like someone or if they work for nice one, they want to know even small details of their thoughts about them.

28. Do INTJs ever act purely on emotion or impulse?

Yes. If their plan goes wrong and an unplanned bad event happens, stress might eat them alive and they might act on emotion.

29. Why are INTJs so private and secretive about themselves?

Because people can betray them easily and use their private information to make fun of them. So it is not their fault and people in the world are scary.

Last Words

Remember that INTJs are human too and can feel what you feel. Don’t invade their solitude and don’t try to do stupid things to win their hearts. Be there for them when they need you and be patient, honest, and thoughtful.



For You And Me

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