Drink Alcohol and Say Goodbye to Your Brain
I see drinking alcohol is normalized in various parts of the world and even some people shame the people who don’t drink alcohol. Awful behavior, isn’t it? My friend suggested writing an article about why you shouldn’t drink any type of alcohol like beer, wine, or, whiskey. The people who drink alcohol, don’t want to stop it anytime soon. So don’t expect me to not write about a topic that there are hundreds of articles about it on the internet.
1. Alcohol removes the brain from your body
I am not going to repeat how drinking alcohol affects your brain and normalizes bad things for you like other articles. Instead, I will say what happened to someone who drank alcohol without a second thought.
“Other’s romance is infidelity but mine is love”. Alcohol makes you forget the basic rules in the world and say things like this. It makes you forget that you have an infant, the one you love is your wife’s best friend and act like a human without a brain. In the end, the person I am talking about lied that his wife was mentally sick, divorced her, and married his wife’s best friend like it was a piece of cake.
2. Alcohol causes a big trauma to your children
“Our dad always came home drunk and beat us” This is what you heard many times on TV or news sites. It shouldn’t become a repetitive story for us. This story might be a just short sentence but children will carry its trauma until their death. In some cases, the mother leaves the family and the children grow up without a mother too or the mother kills the father to solve the problem.
So if you drink alcohol, you are a big problem that must be deleted and you will be removed from your partner, children, and close people’s hearts. In simple words, you will become a trash human that no one loves and all people want you to disappear for good.
3. Alcohol makes you untrustworthy
Most people never trust someone who drinks alcohol. Because drinkers can spill the beans even one second later. This means since people can’t share their personal information with drinkers, they won’t have close friends.
4. You prove that you are stupid
All of the people on the earth, from doctors, and scientists to rural children know that alcohol is very a bad thing for health. If you know alcohol is bad and you insist on drinking it, you can call yourself a stupid ex-human.
5. You will get cancer and suffer
Let’s say nowadays doctors can treat cancer. But don’t forget that it needs money and it is so painful. If you are proudly saying they you have enough money for treating 100 types of cancer, you can’t buy a body without pain and without wasted time for treating cancer. After treating cancer, you will suffer until you die because it will come back or won’t let you enjoy your life.
6. You will go to hell
If you are saying this only happens to people who believe in god and hell, you are wrong. Do you mean that you expect a good life after death after you harm others around you with your drunk behavior? If you are expecting it, your brain is already rotten thanks to alcohol.
Copilot will continue this article:
7. You will lose your beauty and charm
Alcohol is not only bad for your health. But also for your appearance. Alcohol dehydrates your skin, making it dry, dull, and wrinkled. It also damages your hair, teeth, and nails, making them brittle and discolored. It also causes weight gain, bloating, and puffiness, making you look older and unattractive. If you drink alcohol, you will lose your beauty and charm, and no one will admire you or desire you.
8. You will waste your time and potential
Alcohol is a thief that steals your time and potential. Alcohol makes you lazy, unproductive, and irresponsible. Alcohol prevents you from pursuing your hobbies, passions, and goals. Alcohol distracts you from learning new skills, acquiring new knowledge, and improving yourself. It also affects your memory, concentration, and creativity, making you less intelligent and capable. If you drink alcohol, you will waste your time and potential, and never achieve anything meaningful or fulfilling in your life.
9. You will hurt your loved ones and yourself
Alcohol is a poison that hurts your loved ones and yourself. It makes you aggressive, violent, and abusive. It makes you say and do things that you will regret later. It makes you break promises, betray trust, and ruin relationships. Alcohol also makes you depressed, anxious, and suicidal. It makes you hate yourself and others, and lose your sense of purpose and joy. If you drink alcohol, you will hurt your loved ones and yourself, and never find peace or happiness.
Copilot gave some sources to make my article more credible:
· World Health Organization: “Alcohol consumption can damage the brain and most body organs. Areas of the brain that are especially vulnerable to alcohol-related damage are the cerebral cortex (largely responsible for our higher brain functions, including problem-solving and decision-making), the hippocampus (important for memory and learning), and the cerebellum (important for movement coordination).”
· Alcohol Rehab Guide: “Children who grow up in homes with alcohol abuse or dependence are more likely to experience emotional problems, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and difficulties in school than those who do not. They are also four times more likely to develop alcohol problems themselves later in life.”
· Alcohol Focus Scotland: “A study of Scottish prisoners found that 60% of those who had committed a violent offense said that they were drunk at the time of the offense, and 43% said that their victim was someone they knew.”
· Healthline: “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), excessive alcohol use is responsible for more than 95,000 deaths in the United States each year. That’s an average of 261 deaths per day. These deaths shorten the lives of those who die by an average of almost 29 years, for a total of 2.8 million years of potential life lost.”
· The Quran says: ‘You who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.’ (5:90)”